On the Creation of Knowledge - Shaya Bock
Entering the jungle
Meaning leaves
And unable to see
I open the foliage
With machete
Still unable to see
Any light
Swinging wildly
Hacking leaf to folio
I make a sort of mess
Of quartos all around,
A bed of already-dead
Yet-green leaves
Smothering seed.
The Television-Glow
Lost in the trail
Between my hands
The route
Where there is a memory
somewhere here
Deep within the bush, of a place
Only not-visited
Once in an old dream.
You never would listen to the story
-- Hansel and Gretel --
You didn’t leave a backtrack
Trail of breadcrumbs
Or perhaps the pigeons,
Scurrying for a smidgen,
Made a mess of it all,
The jungle lingers
A dram
Of some soured liquor,
A dip in the sap
Staining your fingertips:
The oil of novelty.