Green Sky Event - Mateo forero
In your quasi-castle,
Protected from forces of magic and ruin.
A queen of the land.
You’re so beautiful.
Until the stone blocks in your walls turn to glass.
Your beautiful hair turns to serpents,
It betrays you.
Your flesh peels off and reveals a garden.
The gods betray you.
The beautiful blue sky turns green,
And into a mirror.
It shatters, stabbing the land you thought you owned.
Beauty becomes manifest and it's terrifying.
You’re terrifyingly beautiful.
Who knew the end could be as such.
An angel of the apocalypse,
Wild and free.
The castle you lived in never existed.
Not to protect from chaos,
But to cage you.
Beauty is not an animal or a queen.
Beauty is a god.
The laws of the universe are the stone blocks.
This world is a garden.
Green falls from the heavens.
The age of castles will come to an end.
Iungere, Vel Mori
[open file]
[Green Sky (1989)]
[Description: An impact event that wiped out most civilizations in the northern hemisphere.]
[results of Green Sky?]
[The birth of a new race legally known as Quasi.]
[what are Quasi?]
[Quasi: people with reality-bending abilities and/or physical characteristics]
[Open file to: Overlord, Godspeed, War Dogs, Fomorians, Brays?]
[instructions how to deal with Quasi?]
[“Join, or Die” - B. Franklin (1754)]
[Join, or Die.]