The Ballad of The Hunter - Em Pollicino

The night’s muted 


Mixing with the drumming of 

Hares pacing hearts 

and timed breathing of 

large caribou lungs the noises I relish. 

The air is still yet potent with the slick scents of the earth, 

Intoxicating, overwhelming scent 

of musty caribou cows and 

their freshly scented young 

It tears through my cranium; I can see the pathways through the cascading landscape, Opportunity leaks at the smells of newly reared calves 

A shrill howl breaks the silence, 

My excitement overflows, 

The tendrils of hunger tearing down my spine, 

It’s time to feast.

my teeth ache in waiting, 

the buildup of saliva dripping down my blackened gums 

An unbreakable balance, 

I hold to never betray, 

as long as my stomach craves 

and my canines clench.


haiku collection - Caylah Graham


The Bison Grazing - Em Pollicino