Mama Said, Cara Beirne

Mama said don’t go near the water

Yet I kept walking,

Down the riverbend,

Until I reached the rocks.

I saw the stream that never stops.

Mama said don’t go on the rocks,

Yet they are smooth and easy to stand on,

I see the frogs jump no problem,

I decided I wanted to be like the frogs,

Mama said don’t do anything stupid.

How can I do anything stupid when I’m smart?

I know what I’m doing, and Mama could go kick rocks,

I want to be like the frogs and jump until they stop.

I go on the rock and get ready for my hops,

When the water starts to get a little rough,

And knocks me down into the stream.

I try to get out but to no avail,

Mama said don’t go near the water,

Or you’ll end up in






On Argus, Tucson Cutsogeorge


Migrating Crows Miss Halloween by a Few Days, Shaya Bock