Miya Velasquez - Sestina

We learn to use our hearts

We learn how to love

We teach ourselves how to kiss

When we are happy we hear music

When life hits hard you are left in pain

When life hits hard you are hurt

From a certain age we know that the hurt,

Doesn’t last forever because we have a heart

We learn that life isn’t fair and causes us pain

While we are hurting we also love

We numb our feelings through music

We feel the butterfly’s when we kiss

Hitting our teenager years everyone wants a kiss

Even though we are young we hurt

We dance alone with the music

With all that goes we have our hearts

passion and attraction are love

young and old we will always have pain

it is a part of going up having pain

we look at our significant other and kiss

when we try to hate, we can’t because we feel love

we try to numb the feeling of being hurt

we want to numb our hearts

when we are lost in the world we play music

we attract ourselves to the beat of the music

we smoke weed to numb our pain

we are like the grinch, but we have a good heart

we try to make others feel good, so we kiss

when our family is disappointed in our action we get hurt

with all the fighting we still love

we as human beings we are default emotion is to love

we love the beat of the music

we self-medicate ourselves to stop being hurt

we drink to numb the pain

there are incidences where we do more than just kiss

when we grow so do out hearts

our heart beats a mile a minute when we kiss

by the end of the day, we learn to feel our pain

it is a strong word but, we appreciate the word love


Emma Dickinson - “What makes the face interesting is the skull inside it.”


Brenda Nazario - My Favorite Color is Red